S o l i v a g a n t
Solvitur ambulando
Solivagant : rambling alone : marked by solitary wandering.
At Solivagant, the aim is simple - to set off on a distinctive path, one untraveled and, therefore, unspoiled by the rest of the publishing industry as it exists today. By eschewing current publishing trends and embracing fine literature to the exclusion of marketable genres, Solivagant stands apart and offers those who pass through its doors an opportunity to discover something other than low-hanging fruit.
Our motto translates as “it is solved by walking.” In addition to embodying the pragmatism of the Solivagant approach, this phrase evokes the voices of our long-lost thinkers, and should embolden new ones.
Diogenes the Cynic purportedly responded to Zeno of Elea’s paradoxes regarding the unreality of motion by simply standing up and briskly walking away. This historic action reflects the mission of Solivagant. We must go our own way in the face of the obstinate and myopic.
Solivagant is for those who appreciate something truly different. It doesn’t have to be bizarre. It definitely does not need to be Bizarro. Life and the people who live it are strange enough.